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Tailor: a web extension encouraging sustainable habits.

This Chrome extension providing personalized second-hand clothing alternatives to the user's favorite shopping websites, eliminating the need to change habits and lowering the barrier to sustainable fashion consumption.

👩🏻 Role

•   UX Designer

💪 Skills

•   UX Design
•   Interaction Design
•   3D Modeling

⏰ Timeline

•   10 Weeks

🔧 Tools

•   Figma
•   After Effects
•   3D Blender

🌟 Why Is Tailor Unique?

The key constraint for this project was to provide second-hand shopping options to online shoppers who desired the benefits of thrifting, but were discouraged by the cumbersome process. Unlike the convenience provided by fast fashion retailers, the challenge was to bring that same level of simplicity to second-hand shopping.



01. Identify Problem Space

After reviewing 10 Mintel dossier trend reports and 1 literature review, I was able to identify a relevant problem space in current intersecting trends of Technology, Commerce, Design, and Culture. There was a white space in the online second hand apparel market. 

🤖 Technology
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AI in the Retail Market space is predicted to grow to $20.05B by 2026.

🌎 Culture

46% of gen-z would switch products if they knew it’s enviornmental impact.

🎨 Design

71% of consumers expect companies to have personalized products.

🛍️ Commerce
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By 2026, digital second-hand market estimated to grow to $84B; fast fashion to $40B.

02. Survey

After gathering secondary research, I conducted an 18 question survey with 40 participants. The Survey’s questions were guided by the focal question below, and helped reveal truthful opinions of users and their behaviors without internal and external influences that unclear from the secondary research alone. It invalidated my assumption that Gen-Z primarily thrifted for ethical reasons, such as the environment. Rather, the primary driver behind the trend was the feeling of exclusivity that thrifting provides, setting individuals apart from friends or peers.

What’s the driving factor behind massive trends in second-hand shopping?

💡 Reality
Filling a psychological need.

Users care to fulfill their self-esteem by purchasing unique and exclusive items, thus satisfying their desire for distinction from others.

🚩 Assumption
Filling a self-fulfillment need.

Users care about their impact, saving the environment, and adding a positive contribution.

03. Competitive Usability Testing
6 usability studies
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3 competitors
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2 participants

Thus far, I recognized Gen-Zers loved the benefits of thrifting. So, I conducted six competitive usability studies with two participants to understand why Gen-Zers were facing high barriers to online second-hand shopping. I observed 2 participants as they completed the same task on 3 different marketplaces while thinking aloud. The marketplaces I chose to observe were Ebay, Depop, and Thred-Up, each representing different types of online marketplaces.


business-to-consumer and consumer-to-consumer selling,  products beyond clothing

a fashion-focused consumer-to-consumer marketplace

a business-to-consumer second-hand clothing retailer

The findings helped me resolve the drawbacks of a qualitative-research methodology, such as a survey, and uncovering low-level details that were invisible to the user.

Participant #1

"I don't have time for all the guesswork, I just want to find what I want and be done with it."

Participant #2

"I feel like I'm never on the right track, it's just too confusing."

Participant #1

I feel like I am having to sift through so many irrelevant items... it’s like none of these fit me or my style.”

04. Pain Points

By synthesizing findings from the previous research methods, I identified 4 key pain-points in the current online thrifting experience.

😕 Inconsistency

The reliance on individual seller biases in product descriptions that may not align through users’ thought processes.

Confusing navigation and detours from the end goal due to branching decisions when users navigate online thrift websites.

🔍 Key Word Search

Inaccurate search results due to a lack of knowledge of clothing terminology is a frustration for users.

⏰ Time

The time-consuming process of filtering through irrelevant items is a challenge for users.

05. Persona

After conducting various research methods, I chose to create a persona to empathize with my user, synthesize findings, and identify common needs and patterns among users. This helped me keep the user at the forefront of my design process.

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out-going, assertive, fun, energetic, unique

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•   Wants to find unique and sustainable clothing options to stand out and express her individuality.
•   Wants to shop in a more environmentally conscious way.
•   Wants to save time and streamline the online shopping process.

Pain Points

•   Struggles to find unique and sustainable clothing options while shopping online.
•   Has limited time to browse through multiple websites.
•   Feels overwhelmed with the abundance of options and doesn't know where to start.


Values self-expression above all and wants to showcase her individuality through fashion. Values convenience and wants to shop in a hassle-free and efficient way. Also cares for the environment.

06. Refined Problem + Opportunities

With a better understanding of my target users needs and pain points, I reframed these problems into opportunity areas to design for through the use of “How Might We...” questions.

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encourage sustainable consumption habits by providing users with convenient and accessible second-hand alternatives?

easy for users to access unique and sustainable second-hand options while shopping online?

simplify the process of finding relevant second-hand items, regardless of the user's clothing knowledge and terminology?

ensure a more consistent and user-friendly second-hand shopping experience?

Eliminate navigation system: use a browser extension, instead of a whole new platform

Implement a categorization system that is intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing users to quickly find the items they are looking for

Implement a filter system that allows users to easily sort through results

Implement a standardized product description format

AI-powered search: A browser extension could use AI algorithms to suggest second-hand items

Fast fashion keywords: base off item the user is looking at

Visual search: Similar to platforms like Pinterest, the browser extension could allow users to upload images of items they are searching

One-click: browser extension that integrates with fast fashion websites and generates second-hand alternatives with a single click.

Collaboration with thrift stores: option to purchase items from the store directly through the browser.

Gamification: The extension could include a gamification element where users earn rewards for making sustainable choices, such as purchasing second-hand items.

Ratings and reviews: Implement a ratings and reviews system that users can use to provide feedback on second-hand items they purchase.

Integration with second-hand marketplaces: The extension could integrate with popular second-hand marketplaces on their fast fashion websites

Awareness raising: provide users with information and tips on the benefits specific to item they want to purchase.

Personalized recommendations: could use AI to provide users with personalized recommendations based on their browsing history and preferences.

Difficulty in incorporating sustainable consumption habits into their “fast fashion”, barrier to entry is high.

Pain Points
How Might We...
Generating Solutions

The time-consuming process of filtering through irrelevant items is a challenge for users.

Inaccurate search results due to a lack of knowledge of clothing terminology is a frustration for users.

Confusing navigation and detours from the end goal due to branching decisions when users navigate online thrift websites.

07. User Flows

I wanted to consider all design aspects of the app along with the user flow of:
Onboarding (important to the recommendation system)
Purchasing a second hand item through the system.
Tracking Growth + Impact (encouraging sustainability through visualization and social media sharing of personal growth.

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personalized results based on survey input

System tracks results, saves for total fashion carbon footprint if purchased/not

System takes note of these inputs, adjusts recommendation system.

Online Shopping

Purchasing a second hand item.


Choose product they want to purchase

Open second hand page
Purchase recommendation
Request new reccomendation
Unique carbon footprint results
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Opens reports
Tracking Growth + Impact
Choose monthly report
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Open extension
Input survey response
Personalized Survey
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Sizing Question (shirt, pants, shoes, shorts, etc.)
Preferential photo questions (decades, would you wear this etc.)

Extension opens + generates reccomendations

08. Wireframing

Rapid prototyping in low fidelity helped me understand the user flow of each screen of the experience. These were given to users to test usability.

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second hand feature
growth feature
personalization survey
saved feature
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09. Usability Testing

I assigned 2 participants tasks while guiding them through the test process. I made sure to answer participant questions and asked for follow-ups. I discovered:

🥺 Wants

•   The simplicity of each feature.
•   The saved page, and how it displayed whether or not an item had sold (saves time and informs user)
•   The recap; fun way to build anticipation and encourage sustainability.

•   A larger display for the recommendation.
•   A way display likes and dislikes of a recommendation.
•   A
breakdown of the carbon footprint.
•   Onboarding:
bigger and bolder text.

10. Iterations

 My usability testing gave great constructive feedback, which inspired these feature iterations.

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Enlarging & using a familiar display.

by reducing user learning curve and improving usage speed.

Scannable Onboarding.

helping users digest new concepts with imagery and content design.

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Ability to access unique carbon breakdown.

giving the user a tangible and thorough explanation of their carbon footprint.

11. Final Design + Commercial Pitch


Keep iterating!
Don't rush to high fidelity too soon, take your time... Remember, design is an iterative process and there's always room for more rounds of feedback and improvement!

Good research is the foundation of good design.
Decision making should be based on research and the user.

If given the chance to revisit this project,
I would seek to flush out the app further and include engineers as well as stakeholders in the project. A lot of the solution depends on the engineering and recommendation system. While I did interview software engineers to check the viability of the product, I would love to dive even further it improve my designs.